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Israele in guerra, le notizie di oggi: l’inviato Usa incontra Netanyahu per il cessate il fuoco
Tutte le notizie dai fronti mediorientali, in tempo reale
Meloni a teatro e sul palco argentino spunta la direttrice d’orchestra Beatrice Venezi
A chiusura della sua missione in Argentina, la premier Meloni va al Teatro Coliseo di Buenos Aires per assistere a uno spettacolo di danza a
Archaeologists discover 12,000-year-old pebbles that could provide new insights about the wheel
12,000-year-old perforated stones found over years of excavations in Israel may “represent early evidence for the adoption of spinning with the ’spindle and whorl’ device,”
Usa, Nyt rivela: “Tracciati dall’Fbi i pagamenti alle escort del nuovo ministro della giustizia Gaetz”
Il documento è legato a un’inchiesta durata tre anni su un traffico sessuale in cui era coinvolto, seppure poi non sia stato incriminato, l’allora deputato
Chief opponent to Uganda’s president appears in court days after going missing
A well-known Ugandan opposition figure appeared in a military court Wednesday days after he was reported missing in neighboring Kenya, and denied a charge of
Pope Francis rejects tradition, opts for humble wooden casket and burial outside Vatican
Pope Francis has announced that he will forgo the traditional, elaborate burial rites of his predecessors in a decision that may modernize the Catholic Church.
Japan says it will watch China’s military activity after Beijing admits violating Japanese airspace
Japanese officials said Wednesday they are closely watching to see if China keeps its promise to prevent further violations of Japan’s airspace after explaining that
Biden admin vetoes UN Security Council draft resolution against Israel that would ‘embolden Hamas’
After growing calls from members of Congress and pro-Israel voices, the Biden administration vetoed a draft resolution against the Jewish state at the United Nations
Zelenskyy answers whether he’s willing to cede Crimea, other territory in peace deal
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told Fox News that his country “cannot legally acknowledge any occupied territory of Ukraine as Russian,” when asked if he was