International Social Media Strategist
Mr. Lombardi has advised political campaigns in the United States and Europe, and has been a senior consultant for economic and political organizations.
Mr. Lombardi has been interviewed by many notable media outlets

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The Value Matrix is a study on the way men and women perceive and value, the way we engage our senses and our thoughts, prioritize our needs and desires, and behave, both individually and collectively. Using this Binary Matrix, this book explores the concept of value, its motivating powers, and some of its practical applications.
- Translations available for The Value Matrix
- Other books: "Libertà e Benessere Economico" in Italian Language

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A dedicated American Citizen, who Proudly carries his Italian Heritage.
George Lombardi, former executive director of the International Economic Development Council, brings over 30 years of business, political and academic experience to his clients. As an author, his first book “Liberta ‘e Progresso Economico” was critically acclaimed by Italian academics and political leaders.
During a special presentation of his book, Lombardi was received by His Holiness Pope Giovanni Paolo II.
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